We have added a few new features to our tech support contact platform including the ability to text our toll free number (855) 764-2867 to receive support from one of our technicians.

When a merchant texts our toll free number, the text is sent to all our technicians. The first technician that is available can then respond to the text, and make a phone call if needed. The text feature may come in handy when the merchant has an error code on the ATM screen, and can send a quick message to our team. Or, a text can also let us know if the merchant needs paper or help with a minor issue.

We also now have a call scheduler at our Digital Customer Support Center. The call scheduler allows a merchant to pick a date and time to receive a call from one of our technicians or sales reps.

In today’s ever-changing work space, we feel it’s important for our customers to reach us in any way they are comfortable with.