Most people don’t even notice them, but the stickers providing a fee notice stuck on the front facing of an ATM are too important to be ignored.

In 1978, Congress passed the Electronic Transfer Act that started the ball rolling on the Federal Reserve Board implementing Regulation E. Regulation E requires ATM operators to provide a fee notice via a sticker on the ATM’s external facing and screen.

These stickers can save an ATM operator and business owner thousands of dollars. In the linked article by, it shows people are out to make easy money simply by searching for ATMs without Regulation E stickers and filing a lawsuit. Worse yet, they’re winning.

The article also informs business owners how to protect themselves from Regulation E lawsuits, which is exactly what Premier Merchants Groups wants to do. We’re even offering a free ATM registry for clients and non-clients of ours to register their ATM. You can register your ATM here.

Protect yourself — remember the sticker.